Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is my studio

This is my office, my studio. This is where I'm spending more and more time--- which is a really good thing. I started off with this blog, then moved to the Brooklyn Heights Blog where I've written about a celebrity cat, a pregnant woman who fell on the ice, the Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra, a concert/installation at Smack Mellon and a film premiere at Galapagos, also in DUMBO. Now I'm writing for the and working on a piece for I'm in negotiations to write for women's romance blog out of Los Angeles.

Because I sit here for seven or eight hours a day, I thought I would write about this beloved space of mine. My studio. I've been working here since the Spring of 2002. I love the rustic feel of the exposed brick. The light is reflected in a small mirror with gold tassels, tucked into that is a post card from Dirty Girls with my infamous short story, Truck Stop Cinderella. The books to the right are current faves, most of which are listed below--- under the caption: I'm a crack whore when it comes to books. They tend to be books I've just read, about to read, or read before and going to read again.

I love Joan Didion's Play It As It Lays. First, the title. I mean c'om. Ever read anything better? It just says it all. It's the most minimalistic, emotionally wrenching, cryptic, gorgeous story. I read it over and over again. Technically its genius. I also have the Bhagavad Gita. Its like a bible to me, as is Bruno Bettelheim's The Uses of Enchantment. The files on my desk contain all the notes for my thesis which I couldn't bear to throw away, and now I'm glad I didn't. All that work on the female narrative and here it is--- in operation on this blog. Yes!

The thick black books on my desk are the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. But I had to stop reading them because they were giving me nightmares. Srsly. Like I dreamt a vampire was out on my street, calling up to me in my third floor bedroom window. So I'm sure you can understand why it became impossible for me to continue. The wooden jewelry box on the bookshelf--- I found on the street at St. Mark's Place. It's Ukrainian, its from my people. I never kept jewelry in it; just my floppies. I've had it for 14 years.

And that is the story of my studio.

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