Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Give the girl some props!

My niece Angie wields a mean mop. She single-handedly wrangled a herd of fifteen sponges from behind my kitchen sink. Give the girl some props!


  1. Thank Gawd Angie showed up. 15 of them stuck drying and dying behind your sink? Oh the humanity - As the Michigan Prez of STS (Save the Sponges) I really must chide you for your total disregard for the life and happiness of the spongi that were entrusted to your care. Sponges need water - preferably warm, soapy water - on a regular basis. They are not to be abandoned behind the sink like Paris Hilton's panties. Where is your compassion woman?

  2. I swear I had no idea it was that many, although I've lived here for seven years which means a total of two sponges per year--- I figured there was no way to retrieve them from the hell of their existence, but boy was I mistaken. They are now happily ensconsed in sponge heaven.

  3. Angie could give lessons! I'd love to have some of her skills rub off on my kids who think that cleaning is a spectator sport.

  4. She could give lessons. I told her last night, I bow down before you. You are the Master. LOL
